RTS Sport
— When an iconic Swiss-French brand puts on its sportswear


RTS has been undergoing a complete visual rebranding that began in 2023 in partnership with Hymn, which has been rolling out across all RTS departments in incremental phases. This phase of the project involved reinterpreting and modernizing the brand’s sports programming for Sport Dimanche, Sport Direct and Sport Dernière. Every element of the programming had to be redesigned to reflect RTS’ new visual codes, including the studio set design, show jingles, video loops, infographics, and the intro/outro credits.

Brand Identity
Design System 
Motion Design
Information Design
Set up Design


RTS Internal Teams
NewGlyph (Type Design)


This adaptation faced quite a few challenges. While a strong and unified visual proposal was required for the overall sports programming, each of the three broadcast shows needed its own unique take on the concept – a singular concept broken down into three, unique variants. There were two other requirements we had to take into consideration: our proposal had to work within the broadcast studio’s technical constraints, and we had to maintain a sense of continuity so that the new look and feel would be accepted by both long-time fans and new viewers.



To respond to these challenges, we naturally began our journey with the updated visual code put in place for RTS… with a twist! Our first major decision was in choosing the colour palette. We chose a vibrant, sporty yellow in the place of the outworn blue, grey and red. We also opted to let the new dedicated typeface, RTS Neue, shine in all its glory in “Extra Bold Extended”. Larger and more impactful, the typeface boldly marks its territory and levels the playing field.

Illustrating sports, without favouring any one particular sport, also proved challenging. Our approach was to develop a series of all-black, 3D, sport-inspired objects – like tennis rackets, skis, wheels, shoes, and more – which sweep across the yellow screen, offering a close-up look at their visual details without fully revealing the objects themselves. We also added patterns to the animated loops, which are inspired by movements that reflect the tension, confrontation, thrill, and joy of sports.

Naturally, all of these elements were designed to come to life across different infographics, jingles, and background décor for the studio, while also adapting to each show’s superimposed, on-screen elements that are used for announcements or other teasers.


  • Reinforced the individuality of the sports-specific programming, all while staying faithful to the overarching visual identity developed for the RTS brand
  • Created a distinctive and competitive visual universe that is fitting for the sports world
  • Re-established the sports programming to fit contemporary standards
  • Created a complete visual ecosystem for broadcast purposes

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Hymn Design Sàrl
Rue de Lausanne 64
1020 Renens — Switzerland
